The SMARC (“Smart Mobility ARChitecture”) is a versatile small form factor computer Module definition targeting applications that require low power, low costs, and high performance. The Modules will typically use ARM SOCs similar or the same as those used in many familiar devices such as tablet computers and smartphones. Alternative low power SOCs and CPUs, such as tablet-oriented X86 devices and other RISC CPUs may be used as well. The Module power envelope is typically under 6W.
Two Module sizes are defined: 82mm x 50mm and 82mm x 80mm. The Module PCBs have 314 edge fingers that mate with a low profile 314 pin 0.5mm pitch right angle connector (the connector is sometimes identified as a 321 pin connector, but 7 pins are lost to the key).
What is SMARC Module?
The SMARC is a versatile small Computer-on-Module form factor that requires low power, low costs, and high performance. Module sizes are defined: 82mm x 50mm and 82mm x 80mm with 314 edge fingers that mate with a low profile 314 pins 0.5mm pitch right angle connector.
Though these SMARC modules boast broad integration and power-efficient processing capabilities, they are particularly well-suited to industrial automation, transportation, and communication equipment applications, to name a few—though this is hardly a comprehensive list of uses.
Please browse our selection of SMARC modules today. If you have any questions or would like to schedule a demo, contact us, and we will be happy to accommodate.
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